Retrouvaille of North Carolina

Retrouvaille of North Carolina Weekend Details for

Weekend Program Information

Availability Yes - Space is limited.
Location The Weekend Location will be provided with your confirmation.
Contact Email
Community Website
Begin Registration Request More Info

The registration fee is per couple, and is non-refundable. It covers a portion of the lodging, meals and materials for the program. Each community endeavors to offer a low registration fee, to help us welcome couples from any walk of life. The registration fee does not cover the full costs the community pays for a couple to attend. We are a self-supporting, non-profit organization, so on the weekend, you?ll be asked to pay the actual cost of attending the weekend and you will be given the opportunity to make a free will donation and "pay it forward" so that other couples may have the chance to change their lives, just as you will have done.

Post Session Dates

The weekend is the first phase of the program. After you have completed the weekend, the crucial Post follow-up sessions are on the following dates, and are included in the program fee.

Session(s) Date
1 & 2
3 & 4
5 & 6
7 & 8
9 & 10
11 & 12

Community 3054

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